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October 01, 2003

ITDP Europe – SUSTRAN Launched

Founding members included Michael Replogle (ITDP President), Walter Hook (ITDP Executive Director), Yaakov Garb (ITDP CEE Regional Director), Jirina Jackson (ITDP CEE Program Director), Andras Lukacs (President, Clean Air Action Group, Hungary), Roelof Wittink (Director I-CE Cycling, Netherlands), Axel Friedrich (Director, MobileSource/Transport Section, German Federal Environmental Agency-UBA), Manfred Breithaupt (Senior Transport Adviser, GTZ Germany), Deike Peters (TU Berlin, former ITDP Director of Environmental Programs) and Jürgen Heyon-Perschon (Consultant to ITDP’s Africa Program).

At the meeting, a four member board was elected, consisting of Deike Peters (President), Yaakov Garb (Secretary), Jürgen Heyon-Perschon (2nd Secretary) and Walter Hook (Treasurer).

The newly founded NGO, set up as an independent legal entity in Germany, is committed to the same sustainable transport policy goals as ITDP. ITDP Europe – SUSTRAN will concentrate its activities around the following programmatic goals:

  • Ensuring that EU funding priorities and mechanisms support sustainable transport and settlement structures
  • Identifying deficits and best practices in policy, structures, knowledge relating to sustainable transport
  • Facilitating joint projects on sustainable transport among people in Europe and with other countries
  • Empowering and building capacities for partner organizations outside Europe
  • Monitoring the impacts and performance of EU policies and actions internationally


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