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November 05, 2008

Revving up Urban Mobility in Singapore

The Land Transport Authority is forging ties with several parties in its search for new ways to enhance urban mobility.

The authority signed a memorandum of collaboration (MOC) on Wednesday with six strategic parties to work towards making Singapore ‘a centre for research for world-class urban transport solutions’.

The MOC was signed with the Economic Development Board, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Cisco, IBM Singapore, ST Electronics and 3M Technologies.

The new partnership will also seek to build Singapore’s capabilities in the area of urban transport solutions by engaging research leaders. It will integrate existing land transport systems with new initiatives as well.

LTA chief executive Yam Ah Mee said there are ‘many new, exciting opportunities for technology collaboration’ in land transport.

He said the new partnership ‘plays a critical role in building Singapore’s research capability’, as new applications discovered here will be relevant to many cities around the world.

Meanwhile, the LTA Academy, a division of the LTA that holds seminars and conferences, is signing four other MOCs with overseas institutes this week.

They are China’s Tsinghua University’s School of Civil Engineering; America’s Institute for Transportation and Development Policy; Britian’s global Transport Knowledge Partnership; and India’s Institute of Urban Transport and Urban Mass Transit Co.

In March this year, the LTA Academy signed its first international MOC with the German Technical Cooperation.

Despite its relative short history, the 13-year-old LTA’s expertise is known far and wide. MSI Global – a company owned by the LTA – continues to make commercial inroads abroad.

Its was recently appointed project manager of the Shanghai Metro Line 10, a 42 kilometres fully-automated metro with 34 stations.

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Revving up Urban Mobility


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