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(Boulder, Colo.) – The man who is credited with transforming Bogotá, Colombia, from a congested, deteriorated city into one filled with sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, parks – and even a weekly “car free” day – will give a free afternoon talk in Boulder on Friday, April 3.
Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá, helped transform a city dominated by the automobile into one of the world’s most successful transit and pedestrian communities. Mr. Peñalosa’s talk, titled “URBAN HAPPINESS” will highlight transportation programs he spearheaded in Bogotá, such as the Bus Rapid Transit System and weekly car-free Sundays (“Ciclovía”), and their benefits to equity and community character.
An accomplished public official and economist, Mr. Peñalosa has been awarded the Stockholm Challenge Award for his visionary leadership, and is an engaging and inspirational speaker. The talk is sponsored by GO Boulder/City of Boulder and Boulder County.
WHAT: “Urban Happiness” – A presentation by Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá
WHEN: 3-4:30 PM, Friday, April 3
WHERE: Boulder Public Library Auditorium, 1000 Canyon Blvd., Boulder
COST: Free