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March 09, 2010

ITDP Founder Michael Replogle at IBM’s Smarter Transportation Forum

IBM invited ITDP Founder and Global Policy Director to speak at the Smarter Transportation forum at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., to examine society’s need for updated transportation infrastructures on February 25, 2010. Watch the video below.

Prominent leaders from government, academia and industry discussed powerful strategies and solutions to dramatically improve our transportation systems. Forum participants included Congressman Earl Blumenauer from Oregon; Dr. Robert Bertini, Deputy Administrator, US DOT’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration; Janet Kavinocky from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Judge Quentin Kopp, former Chairman of California High Speed Rail Authority; and other distinguished guests. Read A Smarter Planet’s post about the event here.

To learn more about the Smarter Transportation forum click here.

Watch the Smarter Transportation Forum here through live streaming video from newintelligence at livestream.com.


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