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June 22, 2011

Transport Systems Summit Presentations

June 21, 2011
Plenary: How to Leverage Private Investment for Public Benefit: The Role of Public Private Partnership in BRT Systems
Moderator: Walter Hook,CEO, ITDP
Speakers :
Javier Garcia Bejos, General Director, COMURSA, Private Investment in Transport Infrastructure
Fernando Escallon, President, Escallon Morales & Associates, Transmilenio: A Story of Success and Evolution
Edgar Enrique Sandoval, Director, Sigma Consulting,  The Role of PPPs in BRTs
Graham Smith, Director, HSBC Project and Export Finance, What is PPP? : Public Private Partnership 
McKinsey has pointed out that self-replicating, sustainable business models that reduce CO2 have been generally neglected. Private sector investment in transit projects is one positive exception. This panel brings together experts who have experience putting together PPPs for BRTs and transit hubs for a discussion on how best to leverage private investment for public benefit. Graham Smith and Javier Garcia Bejos will speak from the perspective of the private sector, while Fernando Escallón and Edgar Enrique Sandoval will speak from the perspective of the public sector.

Breakout Sessions
Leveraging Strategic Alliances with Developers and Planners: Urban Development and Sustainable Transport
Moderator: Marta Goldsmith, Chief Operating Officer, ITDP (formerly SVP of the Urban Land Institute Foundation)
Roberto Moreno, President, Amarilo, Bogota, Land Use and Sustainable Transportation- Robert Moreno
Thomas Wargo, Director of Zoning, New York City Planning Department,NYC, Leveraging Strategic Alliances
Cities that are designed to promote walking, cycling, and easy access to public transit will enable sustainable transport systems to reach their full potential for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. At this critical time of rapid urbanization, ITDP and Climate-Works are promoting holistic, liveable sustainable urban development patterns and practices, which leverage the positive environmental impacts of sustainable transport.Urban planners, urban designers, and real estate developers must be our strategic allies in getting great transit systems built and in ensuring that urban development is fully supportive of and integrated with these systems. In this panel, we will engage planning and development experts in a discussion of land use strategies—zoning and parking
regulations, incentives, public outreach – that can optimize the impact of sustainable transport systems.

The Future of Bogota Transit: From BRT to a Complete Integrated System
Moderator: Oscar Edmundo Diaz, Co-Founder and President, GSD+
Presentation by Fernando Paez, General Manager of TransMilenio, Sistema Integrado De Transporte Publico 
Bogotá‘s TransMilenio took BRT to the next level in terms of institutional structure,operational innovations, and high capacity performance. It has served as an inspiration for hundreds of cities around the world for the past decade. The next 10 years, however,will be even more critical to defining mass transit system innovation in practice as Bogotá seeks to implement an integrated mass transit system – all located under the same institutional authority and operating within the same financial model.

Top-Down versus Bottom-up: GHG Measurement as a Policy Tool
Moderator: Michael Replogle, Global Policy Director and Founder, ITDP, Top Downs vs. Bottoms Up
Harald Diaz-Bone, Transport and Climate Change Advisor, GiZ
Mike Eiseman, Associate Project Manager, Nelson\Nygaard, Tools to Drive Policy Change 
Colin Hughes, Policy Analyst, ITDP, GHG Measurement

June 22, 2011
Plenary: Levers for Change: National and City Policy Measures
Moderator: Heather Thompson, Vice President, ClimateWorks Foundation
Guillermo Dietrich, Secretary of Transport, Buenos Aires, Leverage for Change 
Enrique Peñalosa, President, ITDP and former Mayor of Bogotá
Felipe Targa, Deputy Minister of Transport, Colombia
Eduardo A. Vasconcellos, Technical Advisor, Brazilian Public Transport Association
Over the past several years, we’ve explored the question of how to “scale-up” our transport systems program and get closer to achieving the abatement potential for our sector. One answer we’ve come up with is ramping up our focus on national and city policy. We will discuss strategic opportunities for change using policy levers. We will have a healthy debate between high level policymakers who have had experience with both national and city level positions and policies with the goal of elucidating what our scale up strategy could be. Where are our strategic opportunities for change?

Breakout Sessions
Getting Off-Street Parking Reform on the Agenda
Moderator: Michael Kodransky,Global Policy Research Manager,ITDP
Eduardo Bayón, General Manager, City-Parking, Bogotá
Zoltán Gyarmati, Director, ITDP Europe Representative Office, Budapest, Sustainable Traffic in Budapest 
Jose Luis Moscovich, Executive Director, San Francisco County Transportation Authority, Off Street Parking Management 
Rachel Weinberger, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Off Street Conflicts 
Off-street parking is an unseen culprit in encouraging car use. Yet even cities with a strong sustainability vision to decrease traffic congestion, improve air quality, tackle GHG emissions and enhance quality of life too often stop short of off-street parking reform. Developers build parking because of the persistent perception that more is needed. Meanwhile, cities are inundated with too much unmanaged supply and unwittingly getting locked into a future where driving is prioritized. This panel will address the opportunities and challenges of reforming regulations that deal with off-street parking.

Getting Bike Share Right: Politics, Policies and Planning
Moderator: Bernardo Baranda, Vice Director, Latin America, ITDP
Andrea Garland, Transportation Planner, Alta Planning, Alta Bike Share
Angel Lopez Rodriguez, Director of Mobility, City of Barcelona
Bradley Schroeder, Consultant, ITDP, Packaging Bicycle Sharing 
Dhyana Quintanar Solares, Director of Strategic Projects, ITDP Mexico, Getting Bike Share Right:  Politics, Policies & Planning
As more and more cities start bicycle sharing projects, there is growing consensus on many of the technical details. However, the politics and policies that enable cities to undertake great bike share system are still difficult to navigate, and depend on local context. This panel explores some ways to align bike share with local interests, how to use interest in bike share to leverage more investments in bicycle infrastructure and a commitment to bicycling as part of a city’s mobility strategy, and what it takes to make sure the public (and key decision-makers) continue to embrace bike share once the systems are in place.

Creating a Climate for Change: Communications Tactics and Strategies to Get Decision-Makers to Yes
Moderator: Dani Simons, Director of Communications and Marketing,ITDP
Mary Embry, Director of Planning, Copenhagenize, Copenhagenize Presentation
Kumar Manish, Communications Officer, ITDP India and former Times of India reporter, Media Outreach & Think like a Reporter
Elizabeth Press, Filmmaker, Streetfilms, StreetFilms Presentation
Creating a climate for change is crucial for getting decision-makers to yes. In the past ITDP has mostly focused on key decision-makers, which can be strategic, but is not enough. Leaders can be resistant to new ideas, and leaders can also change. Creating widespread awareness and understanding of our issues help leaders see sustainable transportation as the natural solution to the problems they are trying to solve (be that public health, safety, mobility, access, economic development, or climate change) and ensuring that elections and regime change do not get in the way of achieving large scale and long-term change.

“Going for the Gold”: Using the BRT Standard Scoring System to Get Cities to Aim Higher
Moderator: Benjamin de la Pena, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation
Annie Weinstock, US BRT Program Director, ITDP, BRT Standard Presentation
Gerhard Menckhoff, Vice President, ITDP, BRT Scoring System
In recent years, many new or improved bus systems have been branded as BRT but actually include few elements of what is typically considered BRT. While bus improvements of any kind generally deserve praise, it is damaging to the concept of BRT to instill the brand on an only marginally-better bus system. ITDP has recently developed a scoring system, called the BRT Standard, to help define what BRT is, and further, to rank those systems that make the cut as either “Bronze,” “Silver,” or “Gold.” This session is designed to discuss the concept of such a scoring system as well as to delve into the details of the scoring system in order to refine it through a broader group of experts.


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