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With COP21 underway, transportation will play a critical role in the emerging agreement to reduce emissions and limit the impacts of climate change. Throughout the conference, a series of events focused on transportation will bring together key stakeholders and build support for a robust transport agenda.
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For those at the conference, below is a summary of the key transportation events taking place. Many more events are scheduled, with a full list of additional events here. ITDP, together with the Transport Research Foundation and FIA Foundation, will have a booth in the Blue Zone, a space reserved for civil society, research institutes, and country exhibits in the official UNFCCC venue. This will be a point of gathering for the entire sustainable transport community during the COP. (Note: the Blue Zone requires accreditation.)
ITDP Organized Events
December 2nd, 16:45-18:15. Blue Zone. Room 4, Le Bourget.
Linking Ambition to Action: Success Factors for Low Carbon Development Pathways in the Transport Sector
Accredited participants only. Moderated by: Ramon Cruz
Policy makers/ implementers will discuss success factors for moving from concept to implementation in low-carbon transport policies. ITDP is organizing this panel with the Transport Research Foundation.
December 10th, 10:00-11:30. Peruvian Pavilion. Le Bourget.
Translating National Ambition into Local Implementation: Experiences in Mobility and Transport in Latin America
Accredited participants only. Moderated by Ramon Cruz
Two countries will present their INDCs on the transport sector for discussion. Two mayors will respond to them and discuss implementation at the local level.
Key Sustainable Transport Events
December 3rd, 10:15-13:30, Blue Zone. Room 301.
Transport Initiatives Day under the Lima-Paris Action Agenda – Accredited persons only
Transport stakeholders have come forward with 14 initiatives discussing several aspects of transport. The new report from ITDP and UC-Davis about the role of cycling in decreasing GHG will be discussed.
December 6th, 8:30-19:00, International Union of Railway Headquarters, 16 rue Jean Rey.
3rd Annual Transport Day
Open to all
This event will be the transport sector’s main event at COP, with key stakeholders from mayors and ministers of transport to multilateral development banks and other transport advocacy organizations. For a full agenda of the day, click here. Space is limited, so please RSVP here.
Every morning of COP, at the Fer de France in Le Gallerie
Blue Zone. Accredited persons only.
Debate sessions every day of the two-week conference organized by the government of France.
Visit our booth in the Blue Zone for information on
events and updates on sustainable transport