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About Habitat III
Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016. In Resolution 66/207 and in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, 1996 and 2016), the United Nations General Assembly decided to convene the Habitat III Conference to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization, to focus on the implementation of a New Urban Agenda, building on the Habitat Agenda of Istanbul in 1996.
ITDP at Habitat III
ITDP is holding a number of a events and panels at Habitat III. See below for information on each session and be sure to follow us on Twitter for live updates.
ECOMOBILITY PANEL: IMPLEMENTING MOBILITY WITHIN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Presentation on “Urban Mobility and the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil” ITDP Speakers: Clarisse Linke, Country Director, ITDP Brazil Venue: Sustainable Cities Pavilion Date & Time: Sunday, October 16 11:30am-12:30pm |
WRI: LAUNCH OF PUBLICATION “WORLD RESOURCES REPORT: TOWARDS A MORE EQUAL CITY” Featured speaker during the launch of the WRI’s flagship publication, the World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City. ITDP Speakers: Clarisse Linke, Country Director, ITDP Brazil Venue: Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito Date & Time: Sunday, October 16, 16:00-17:00 |
INCLUSIVE URBANIZATION BUILT UPON TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM THE CITY What is inclusive transit-oriented development (TOD)? What is the way forward for inclusive urbanization? This event will answer these questions through the exploration of land use and transport integration and the promotion of inclusive and accessible urbanization in different cities around the world. Constituency groups will discuss equitable urban development in their context and major group representatives such as women, children and youth, older people, “grassroot” housing advocates, and slum dwellers will have a chance to discuss, collaborate, and address issues that affect them the most from safety to access to upgrading infrastructure and housing affordability. ITDP Speakers: Ramon Cruz, International Policy Manager; Luc Nadal, Technical Director, Sustainable Urban Development |
CITIES OF TOMORROW: LIVABLE, MOBILE, AND CONNECTED ITDP CEO, Clayton Lane, signs the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) joint declaration from Germany, on behalf of ITDP, pledging cooperation for sustainable transport initiatives. Venue: Room R13, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Benjamín Carrión, Quito, Ecuador |
CITY AND MOBILITY: MOBILITIES AND INTERACTIONS IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT Organized by IPEA and ITDP Brazil The panel will begin with an overview of key findings from the book City and Mobility: Mobilities and Interactions in Urban Development, focused on Brazil. From there, we will expand the discussion to see how this translates into other regions in the world to understand how mobility has influenced urban growth and social and economic outcomes. How has mobility made the city and what can we do to create more just and sustainable cities by linking mobility and urban development more closely. We will conclude the event with a reception that will also be the launch of the book. ITDP Speakers: Clarisse Linke, Country Director, ITDP Brazil |
OPENING PLENARY: THE FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY Transportation is at a tipping point as the world urbanizes and cities become more complex. While the New Urban Agenda evolves and as challenges, needs, and aspirations change globally; new service models, technologies, business models, integration mechanisms, policy frameworks, and innovative narratives are rapidly emerging to address the transforming transportation landscape. This session, through a discussion among the experts and change makers, will explore options available for cities to become safe, integrated, clean, sustainable and eventually people friendly. ITDP Speakers: Clayton Lane, ITDP CEO |
QUITO ACTION PLAN ON SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY Networking event organized by SLOCAT with ITDP and WRI ITDP Speakers: Aimee Gauthier |
TRANSPORT DAY: SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN The session will present a current update on sustainable mobility policies and projects in the Latin America region, focusing on transit-oriented development, mass transit, cycling and walking and travel demand management. It will also focus on describing how these can support the New Urban Agenda with regional initiatives. Experts in the session come from private, public and non-profit sectors as well as multi-lateral organizations. ITDP Speakers: Clarisse Linke, Country Director, ITDP Brazil; Bernardo Baranda, Latin America Regional Director |
ITDP Speakers: Clayton Lane |
TRANSPORT DAY: PROVIDING EQUITABLE MOBILITY FOR AFRICA’S URBAN FUTURE Africa is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate. By 2030, the UN estimates that nearly 100 cities in Africa will have a population of more than a million residents. A new approach for managing urban growth is urgently needed. African cities are beginning to address these challenges, yet responses have remained piecemeal, and infrastructure investments continue to support car-centric development that only reinforces growing inequities. The panel discussion will explore critical questions for Africa’s urban future on the issues of a compact city vision for African cities, developing new sources of financing for sustainable transport and urban infrastructure, land-use management mechanisms for African cities and role of international development institutions. ITDP Speakers: Ramon Cruz, International Policy Manager; Chris Kost, Country Director, ITDP Africa |
TRANSPORT DAY: NEW URBAN MOBILITY SERVICES AND COLLABORATIVE TRANSPORT ECONOMY (Spanish language session) ITDP Speakers: Bernardo Baranda, Latin America Regional Director |
DELIVERING THE NEW URBAN AGENDA THROUGH SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY SOLUTIONS Training event organized by UN Habitat and UNCRD. ITDP Speakers: Clayton Lane (e-mobility) and Aimee Gauthier (TOD) |
CAPACITY BUILDING AND MOBILITY ANALYTICS GIZ’s Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) has been working in the field of capacity building for local and national authorities for 15 years now. While today’s transport solutions, such as demand-responsive public transport, become more and more digital and data-driven, many local authorities lack the capacity to collect data for planning purposes and indicators and hence struggle to yield the digital dividend. SUTP has the vision to enable its partners to step into the age of digitization and move forward to a new generation of transportation planning. ITDP Speakers: Ramon Cruz, International Policy Manager, Clayton Lane, CEO, Aimee Gauthier, Chief of Programs |