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September 10, 2018

ITDP Resources for Global Climate Action

From September 12th-14th, ITDP joined the Global Climate Action Summit to encourage leaders to take bold actions in transport as a lever to mitigate against climate change. For 30 years, ITDP has worked for sustainable, equitable solutions to combat climate change and promote active transport and healthy urban environments.

Check out some of our resources below, and follow us @ITDP_HQ for updates on our work.

  • 3 Revolutions in Urban Transportation: Automation, electrification, and sharing are three big changes on the horizon for transportation and have the potential to help or hinder us in obtaining our climate goals. This paper looks ahead to 2050 to see how the world could fulfill its climate commitments in the context of these three changes. The findings show that the only way to achieve our climate goals is by pursuing both sharing strategies grounded in transit and compact land use, and electrification strategies. Neither strategy by itself will get us there.
  • The TOD Standard: Transportation emissions are on the rise, due to increasing sprawl and efficient transportation. To reduce emissions, we must move towards more compact cities, that are developed around transportation. Our TOD Standard and Infographic are designed to help city leaders understand and prioritize the building blocks for developing sustainable, transit-oriented cities.
  • A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario: Cycling, rather than driving, can help dramatically reduce transportation emissions. This report shows that by shifting from 7% mode share in cycling globally to a more reasonable 23%, we can save 300 megatonnes of CO2e and 25 trillion USD by 2050. To do that, cities should develop a strategy for increasing cycling mode share by lowering barriers to cycling and creating safer cycling environments. Here are some tools to help cities improve their cycle mode share:
  • People Near Transit: Improving Accessibility and Rapid Transit Coverage in Large Cities: To reduce emissions, we must ensure that mass rapid transit is accessible to all, and is the norm for transportation rather than single passenger vehicles. Essentially cities need to maximize the number of people near transit. This report outlines a simple metric, “People Near Transit”, which can be used to access the quality of the coverage of rapid transit for a city’s population. PNT can be used by cities to set targets and measure their progress in creating inclusive transit-oriented development.
  • Best Practice in National Support for Urban Transportation Paper Series
    Cities can play an important role to mitigate climate change by investing in more sustainable urban transportation systems. Some nations have done better than others to invest in sustainable transport in their cities, offering lessons for the future. Part 1 of this series provides a comparative analysis of rapid transit infrastructure in nine countries that are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and Part 2: Growing Rapid Transit Infrastructure: Funding, Financing, examines the conditions that allowed for rapid growth in rapid transit per resident. The series concludes with recommendations related to cities’ ability to invest more in improved urban transport when they have control of funding, technical capacity, and legal authority, as seen in this infographic.


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