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January 07, 2011

Nominees for the 2011 Sustainable Transport Award announced

The nominees for the 2011 Sustainable Transport Award span the globe, from Lima to Guangzhou, Leon to Tehran, and the winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Monday, January 24th at the Hilton Washington in Washington DC, coinciding with the 2011 Transport Research Board Annual Meeting.

A consistent theme across all the nominee cities is municipalities’ demonstrating innovation in transport planning by integrating bike, BRT and metro systems.

Walter Hook, ITDP’s Executive Director, commented: “Cities like Guangzhou, which in just a few years have rolled out hundreds of kilometers of new bike lanes, world class bus rapid transit, bike sharing, and great metro systems, put our modest US efforts to shame.”

The Nominees are (in alphabetical order):

• Guangzhou in China, where the BRT that opened in February 2010 is integrated with the city’s metro system, bike lanes and bike sharing stations;
• Leon in Mexico, home of Mexico’s first BRT, now achieving a level of integration unsurpassed in the region;
• Nantes in France, where the integration of its bus light rapid transit with its tramway network presents a model of efficient coordination;
• Tehran, Iran, where the introduction of congestion charging complements the city’s expansion of its metro and BRT systems;
• Lima, Peru, where the long-awaited BRT is the first step towards creating an integrated city-wide sustainable transport system.

Join us for the Award Ceremony at 6pm on Monday, January 24th at the Hilton Washington, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC, 20008.

The Nominees are chosen by a Committee that includes the most respected experts and organizations working internationally on sustainable transportation. Committee members include:

• Walter Hook, Executive Director, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
• Dario Hidalgo, Senior Transport Engineer, EMBARQ, The World Resources Institute Center for Sustainable Transport
• Manfred Breithaupt, Senior Transport Advisor, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH)
• Sophie Punte, Executive Director, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities
• Heather Allen, Senior Manager, Sustainable Development, International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
• Ralph Gakenheimer, Chair, Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation in Developing Countries
• Sergio Sanchez, Director, Clean Air Institute for Latin America
• Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environmental Expert, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)


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