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November 12, 2013

Sustainable Transport is Key to Addressing Climate Change


Update: Watch this  video from the IISD Reporting Services presents the goals, discussions, and outcomes from Transport Day 2013. 

Officials from nearly every nation are gathered November 10th to 22nd at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) in Warsaw, Poland, negotiating a new framework to address climate change. The COP will set the focus and policies of international climate change action going forward. Despite the large role transportation plays in greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for nearly a quarter of energy related CO2 pollution, past climate frameworks have done little to slow the growth in transportation related emissions.

Transport Day 2013, on November 17th, will promote the integration of transport in policy addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation under the UNFCCC. The theme of Transport Day 2013 is “Re-think transport and climate change”, and the event will bring together hundreds of stakeholders and officials in conjunction with the Warsaw COP to help build common ground.

Discussions at Transport Day will focus on how sustainable transportation strategies can address both climate change and sustainable development. The Warsaw Statement, to be formally adopted on Transport Day, calls upon the parties to the UNFCCC to take actions in key areas to build institutional capacity and scale up demonstrated solutions, from smarter urban planning to better public transport, walking, and cycling, and improved vehicle technologies and fuels.

Read and sign the Warsaw Statement as an individual or organization.

Transportation emissions are the fastest growing source of CO2. Curbing the emissions from the transportation sector through innovative technologies, modal shift, and other strategies is a key component of addressing climate change. Many agree that future climate progress needs to be global and broad-based, build on voluntary actions by countries and organizations, and support equitable development.

Transport Day 2013 is organized by the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Bridging the Gap, two groups in which ITDP plays a key role. The event will feature many key policy makers. ITDP’s Michael Replogle will moderate panel discussions on the mitigation potential of the transport sector and a presentation of the Warsaw Statement.

Learn more about Transport Day 2013 on the website and follow the event on twitter at #transportday2013.


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