Gandrie Ramadhan

Transport Associate

Gandrie Ramadhan is an Indonesian engineer who holds a Masters Degree in Transport Planning from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom (UK). His deep interest in public transport and land-use management inspired him to pursue a bachelors degree in civil engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology. Recently, Gandrie has been working in Indonesia, Pakistan, Timor Leste, and Malaysia, providing technical assistance in planning, monitoring & evaluating BRT corridors & systems. His work also focuses on gradually increasing BRT ridership, refining cities’ master plans and developing direct service plans that provide integration and intermodality between different systems and buildings. Before joining ITDP, Gandrie was involved in several projects and developed his expertise in traffic impact assessment and multimodal terminal planning. He loves cycling and uses his hybrid bike for his daily commute. He also has a folding bike and during the weekends looks for trails and off-road routes to ride on. Gandrie has worked at ITDP Indonesia since 2012.


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